Tuesday, 11 April 2017

one year anniversary

Hi, Maria here .... can you believe it? One year ago I signed up for my Young Living starter kit!!
I had been using essential oils for a little while before that, but didn't get the amazing results that I got with Young Living :)

In the past year I have . . .

bought a lot of oils!
learnt a lot
drank a lot of tea
got top marks in the first part of my aromatherapy course
smelt a lot of oils
grown my hair again
held make and takes
believed in financial freedom can happen for my family
used a lot of thieves cleaner
dreamed a lot
made lots of homemade products with oils
met some wonderful, inspiring people
had to buy another shelf for my oils as my first was full!
been better a flossing my teeth!
held online oils classes
had a lot less chemicals on my and my family's skin
talked a lot about oils
worn Joy essential oil nearly every day
taught Billy to roll a roller on his feet
drunk lots of Ningxia Red!
and diffused a lot

My goals for the next year are ...

use oils more in cooking
finish my aromatherapy course
build a bigger team
try more oils
use even more thieves cleaner!
share even more oily love
provide even more resources, love and support for my team
and dream bigger dreams :)

If you would like to join my team, and I would love it if you did, I have lots of lovely offers this week over on our facebook page