Saturday, 13 August 2016

FAQ about essential oils

How do I use essential oils?
Each bottle of Young Living essential oil is labeled with directions for how that oil can be used, and these directions vary based on location. Please consult with the product label for appropriate use directions.

What is a carrier oil, what does it do, and why should I use it?
A carrier oil is a vegetable oil such as Coconut oil or Grapeseed oil that can be used to dilute essential oils. Young Living’s V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex is an excellent carrier oil for all applications. Carrier oils ensure that essential oils applied topically are comfortable. Dilution with a carrier oil does not dilute the effect of the essential oil and prevents waste due to excessive application. Vegetable shortening, butter, margarine or petroleum derivatives (petrolatum jelly) should never be used as carrier oils. Some consumers choose to avoid olive oil as a carrier oil because of its strong aroma and thick viscosity.

What is a hot oil?
‘Hot oils’ are oils that, when applied to the skin, can cause a hot or burning sensation. Young Living recommends using a patch test procedure prior to first use. To perform a patch test, apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a patch of skin such as the forearm. Observe that area of skin over the course of 1-2 hours for any noticeable reaction; usually reactions occur within 5-10 minutes. If you experience a hot or burning sensation or if you develop a rash, add V-6 carrier oil to the affected area as often as needed. Examples of ‘hot’ oils include Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Oregano, Thyme, Exodus II, and Thieves.

What if I experience skin discomfort or irritation?
If discomfort or irritation occurs, stop using the essential oil, and apply V-6 or other carrier oil to the affected area. Never use water in an attempt to flush the oil off the skin, as this may increase discomfort. If a rash occurs this may be a sign of detoxification; drink adequate water to encourage the release and removal of body toxins. Toxins present in petrochemical based soaps and skin care products, detergents and perfumes may trigger some of the detoxification reactions. Consider discontinuation of these agents if a reaction occurs. Before using the essential oil again, perform a patch test (see above) and dilute with carrier oil as needed. Water drives oil into the skin and the eyes. If essential oil gets in your eye, flush with V-6 carrier oil to alleviate any discomfort. Discomfort should be alleviated within minutes. If eye discomfort does not subside within 5 minutes, please seek medical attention. Be aware that some documents suggest diluting the oil with water. YL suggests that you dilute with carrier oil to ensure that discomfort is alleviated as quickly as possible.

Can essential oils be applied to sensitive areas?
Young Living recommends that you avoid contact with essential oils and sensitive areas such as eyes, ears, genitals and mucous membranes. If you choose to use the oil in any sensitive area, dilute 1 drop of the essential oil to 5-10 drops of V-6 carrier oil.

How often can essential oils be applied? How much do I use?
Proper usage is indicated on each essential oil label. Please follow label instructions. The idea of ‘if a little is good, a lot is better’ is not always correct. Essential oils are very potent and powerful – start low and go slow. In most cases 1-2 drops are adequate and using more may waste product. Depending on the essential oil you can gradually build up to 3-4 uses per day if desired. Excessive use of essential oils may increase the risk for adverse reactions.

Can essential oils be used during pregnancy or while nursing?
As with any medical condition it is strongly recommended that, prior to use of essential oils, you seek the advice and recommendation of a competent, trained health care advisor who is experienced in essential oil usage. It is generally recommended to avoid overuse and excessive use of Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarea), Sage (Salvia Officinalis), Tansy (Tanacetum Vulgare), Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis), Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare), and Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens) as well as the blends and supplements that contain these oils.

Can essential oils be used on children?
Many essential oils are appropriate for use with children, and they should be diluted prior to use. Some Young Living products are pre-diluted with carrier oil as indicated on product label and are intended for direct application on children. Children generally respond well to essential oils. 1-2 drops of essential oil such as SleepyIze, RutaVala, Gentle Baby and Peace & Calming may be diluted in carrier oil and applied to the bottom of the feet.

How does exposure to sun affect essential oil use?
Some essential oils, especially citrus oils, contain natural molecules that react with sunlight (UV light) and cause a sensitivity reaction. All Young Living essential oils and oil blends that contain these compounds are labeled with a warning to avoid sun/UV light for 12 to 48 hours after applying. Caution should always be used when starting to use a new oil: use patch testing (see above), dilute and apply the oil to skin that is protected from sun/UV exposure to reduce the risk of sensitivity. Young Living beauty and cosmetic products are formulated to remove sun-sensitizing agents to reduce the risk of sun sensitivity.

What about the use of essential oils if I have a medical condition? Can essential oils interact with prescription medications?
If you have a disease or medical condition, or if you are using a prescription medication, it is recommended that you consult with a health advisor who has experience with essential oils prior to using an essential oil. Seek the advice of the prescribing physician and a pharmacist about potential interactions between the medication(s) and the essential oil(s).

(taken from Young Living)

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

cleaning essential oil bottles

I always feel a little sad when I finish a bottle of essential oil . . . it quickly goes when I start a new bottle though!

But these little bottles are so useful and so I like to keep them. They can be used put your own blends in, or store your own blends if you have a special blend that you like to make a lot of. They are also great for if you make a blend for a baby and a child that needs to be extra dilute, so you only need a couple of drops of the blend, they are storing them.

You can make up blends and perfumes for friends and family. Or if you are going away and don’t want to take your whole stash of oils, you can put a little in some of these bottles . . . and there is of course, using them a little flower vases (my personal favourite!)

Sometimes you can re-use the bottle without having to wash it out, if your blend includes the original oil from the bottle.

Cleaning out the oils though is not as simple a just rinsing out. It is best to wait till you have a little stash of bottles that need to be cleaned and do them all together.

First put the bottles (I take them all apart, lid and stopper or roller if there is one) and bury them in a container full of Epsom Salts. I put a layer of salts down, fill the bottles with a teaspoon of Epsom Salts, and put them in the container, filling all around them with salts. I also put the lids etc in.

They need to be left for a few days in the salts. The Epsom Salts will absorb every last drop of oil and making me some nice bath salts in the process!

After a few days, take them out of the salts, and leave them soaking in some hot soapy water. A Castile soap works well. Allow them to soak for about 24 hours, then peel off the labels and see if the original scent has gone. If it still smells, then leave to soak for one more day. Make sure they are completely dry before storing them.

Friday, 17 June 2016

the purity of oils

It’s funny how we are happy to put things into our bodies without even giving it a second thought. Preservatives in food, chemicals in drinks, diet pills from the internet and even absorbing chemicals from cleaning products. And we then wonder why our bodies don’t work the way they should!

Even in the world of essential oils, not all oils are as pure as they should be and choosing the finest purest essential oil is an extremely important factor in determining how effective  the aromatherapy blend or treatment will be.

There are 4 things you need to check for when buying oils. Purity, Quality, Price and Storage.

P  U  R  I  T  Y
Choose oils that are 100% essential oils. Ones that are not synthetic, dilutions or alterations. Terms such as ‘nature-identical’, ‘fragrance oil’ or ‘perfume oil’ will often have chemical or artificial ingredients added to them. Adjusting the oil in that way, buy adding to it or adjusting it, has the potential to be harmful to the body and also create weak, ineffective result in aromatherapy.

Q  U  A  L  I  T  Y
The quality of an essential oil is determined by an number of things, including the plant species, the quality of the soil, the weather conditions and temperature, if they are grown inside or outside and the extraction method. The actual bottle of essential oil will not provide this informations so you need to do some research. A reputable company will monitor the production of their oils from start to finish!

P  R  I  C  E
The price of essential oils will vary enormously, depending on how difficult or easy it is to extract the oil from the plant. For example 2 million rose petals are needed to make just 1 ounce of Rose oil, but it only take approximately 30kg of eucalyptus leaves to make 1 litre of Eucalyptus oil, making Rose oil one of the most expensive and Eucalyptus one of the less expensive. If all the different oils are priced the same, then they are probably not pure or of good quality.

S  T  O  R  A  G  E
Essential oils are precious and expensive, therefor it is vital they are stored correctly to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. When buying oils or making your own blends, make sure they are contained within dark amber or cobalt blue bottles. Avoid aluminium or plastic bottles as the molecular structure of the oil will be affected. Sunlight can have a detrimental effect of the oils, causing them to deteriorate rapidly and lose their therapeutic benefits. Ensure the bottles are tightly sealed. Any prolonged contact with the air will cause essential oils to lose their composition and evaporate. Keep essential oils stored in a cool, dry place. Do not store them in an area where there is an extreme change of temperature, heat will evaporate the oil and cold will cause them to lose their composition.

If you do buy oils from a shop, NEVER buy oils that have dust on the cap or bottle. This is a sign they have been sitting there for sometime!

Most essential oils have a shelf life of at least 2 years, particularly ones that have gone through steam distillation. Make sure you do some research though as there are some exceptions like Tea Tree that normally lasts for 12-18 months and citrus oils like Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Neroli and Bergamot have the shortest shelf life of around 9-12 months.

Carrier oils should be carefully bought too as they will go rancid very quickly if not stored properly. Most carrier oils have a shelf life of up to 2 years, but borage and flaxseed oil are only 6 months. Coconut and jojoba oils last for about 4 years and are often added to other carrier oils to extend the shelf life.

Bearing all this in mind, this is why I   L O V E   Young Living oils. They offer a unique SEED TO SEAL process that insure we receive essential oils exactly the way nature intended! They set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of their oils through a unique SEED TO SEAL process, they apply rigorous quality controls from the time the SEED is sourced until the oil is SEALED in a bottle.
S T E P   1  –  S E E D

Seed Potential
Powerful essential oils come from seeds and plants that are verified for their potential to produce high-quality essential oils.
Expert Evaluation
Their own experts partner with university researchers to evaluate the essential oil potential of their seeds.
Proven Potency
The seeds they use are selected for their ability to become plants with the highest possible levels of bioactive compounds.

S T E P   2  –  C U L T I V A T E

Sustainable Methods
Young Living farms, located around the globe, are dedicated to perfecting their responsible and sustainable growing and harvesting methods.
Superior Quality
Their experts travel the world visiting our co-op farms to verify that their growing and cultivating processes match their high standards.
Rich Supply
These operations provide an ongoing source for essential oils that meet Young Living’s demanding quality standards.

S T E P   3  –  D I S T I L L
Innovative Approaches
Combining ancient and modern techniques, Young Living is recognized as an innovator in essential oil distillation.
Proprietary Techniques
They use a gentle, proprietary technique for steam extracting essential oils and preserving their precious constituents.
Diverse Methods
They use cold pressing and resin tapping methods for select oils.

S T E P   4  –  T E S T
Unwavering Standards
Young Living never accepts diluted, cut, or adulterated oils.
Sound Methods
To guarantee consistent, verifiable quality, their oils are tested in Young Living’s own internal labs, as well as in third-party facilities.
Superior Results
Their testing methods ensure that their oils meet stringent specifications, exceed international standards, and contain the desired levels of natural bioactive compounds.

S T E P   5  –  S E A L
Dedicated Facility
Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process in their 107,000-square-foot facility in Spanish Fork, Utah.
Handling with Care
Using state-of-the-art equipment, each essential oil is carefully bottled and labeled.
Single-Source Shipping
Their carefully bottled, painstakingly produced essential oils are shipped to members worldwide.

If you would like more information on their SEED TO SEAL promise, just visit their site!

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Maria Langford

Hi, I am an English girl married to a lovely Welsh man and we have a little wild Welsh toddler-boy! We live in a little log cabin in the Welsh hills (think it’s a mountain actually!) with 2 doggies, and a wild cat that lives in the wood pile!

I have always had great belief in natural remedies, so when looking for help for health problems, essential oils seemed to jump out at me. I soon found that blending my own oils gave me great relief and diffusing oils helped with my emotions. If you would like to know more, please just ask.

Since getting married and having a baby I’m trying to live a more healthy chemical free organic life and oils are a big part of that. They have helped me so much I now use them everyday for my little family too!

Sign up with Maria and Young Living here. Sponsor number - 3816403

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Thursday, 2 June 2016

welcome to our new blog

I know it seems hard to believe, but these little pots of oil can change your life! They can be used in pretty much every part of your life, from aiding a healthy lifestyle, to creating a wonderful skin care routine, chemical free cleaning and supporting your emotions and general wellbeing.

Here at The Woodland Way, we love to share about how much we love using natural products and trying to live a more chemical free life!

We have a Facebook page and Instagram account where we would love you to join us!